miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018


On the 30th of January, teachers, students and some parents of the IES AL-FAKAR went to the theatre of the village to celebrate the School Day of Nonviolence and Peace. Every year we focus on a topic related to the culture of peace or coexistence improvement. We work in different areas at school and we make it visible on this day.

Working all the school projects together: Escuela Espacio de Paz, Bilingualism, Equality Plan and Eco-escuelas.  

In this course, starting from the work with emotions, we intend to take a tour of one of the feelings that moves the world: Love. The different types of love have been analyzed in different classes, from romantic love, through love to the others, even love for nature and environment. 

The activities carried out have been very varied: analysis of lyrics and scripts of love films, visit of elderly people from a retirement home, reading and writing poems dedicated from children to parents. The performances at the theater have been assorted: Drawing with sand, dancing and singing different songs, reading poems or a letter to the elderly people and we finished with a dance of teachers and students of 4 ESO, and our language assistant Alberto. He is going to give his opinion of this activity:




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